LEEP - Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de Plantas Universidade Federal de Viçosa


Science: Dr. João Meira-Neto, Dr. Vânia Esteves and Dr. Renata Meira have published an eLetter about Samarco´s disaster

published in
RE: Preventing and mitigating mining disasters with tangible actions
  • Mr. João Augusto Meira-Neto [Ph.D.], Full Professor Laboratory of Ecology and Evolution of Plants - LEEP, Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • Other Contributors:
    • Ms Vânia Esteves [Ph.D.], Full Professor
    • Ms. Renata Strozi Meira [Ph.D.], Full Professor

    On December 18th, Edwards and Laurance (1) proposed an independent global authority to regulate mining activities in tropical countries, particularly those with hyperdiverse regions with indigenous tribes. The proposition was made after the Samarco disaster that occurred on November 5th, 2015, when a tailing pond collapsed and caused a large-scale environmental disaster. As outsiders, Edwards and Laurance were extremely polite regarding the topic of financial support that is provided by giant corporations to political parties in only legal and regular manners...

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