LEEP - Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de Plantas Universidade Federal de Viçosa


ISBI - International Symposium on Biological Invasion was successful and has received many positive evaluations during and after the meeting

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ISBI - International Symposium on Biological Invasion was successful and has received many positive evaluations during and after the meeting.

The program was fulfilled without changes and all presentations had audience of the most of participants.

Prof. Andreza Neri, the president of ISBI, and prof. João Meira-Neto, LEEP coordinator, presented their speeches with large audience.

The photo shows the ISBI opening, from left to right, with Drs. Silvia Ziller (speakers representative), Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio (UFV representative), João Marcos Araújo (CCB representative), Tillmann Buttchard (European Union representative), Wagner Otoni (Botanical Graduate Program representative), Renata Meiera (Botanical Sciety of Brazil representative) and Márcio Weichert (German House of Science and Innovation São Paulo - ‎DWIH-SP).

Below theISBI program.


July 25th
8:00 – 12:00 Registration
8:30‐ 9:00 Opening Session
9:00‐9:45 Dr. Sílvia Ziller (Instituto Hórus)
Acacia mangium, A. mearnsii and A. longifolia invasion and management in Brazil
9:45‐10:30 Coffee Break
11:30‐ 12:15
Symposium I (Vegetation structure, light regime, plant functional types and plant species
1.Gustavo Heringer (UFV) ‐ Effects of biological invasion by Acacia spp. on plant diversity of a
savannah‐type ecosystem
2. Écio Souza Diniz (UFV) – The influence of dynamics on the phylogenetic structure of
Brazilian Atlantic Forests
3. Markus Gastauer (UFV) ‐ Flora McDonaldization: Acacia mangium (Fabaceae) invasion
reduces phylobetadiversity in Mussunga vegetation
Symposium II (Ecophysiology: Competitive balance and community functioning)
1. Florian Ulm (Universidade de Lisboa) ‐ Efficient usage and high turnover of phosphorus: A
key driver for the invasion of oligotrophic dune systems by a woody legume
2. Christiane Hellmann (University of Bielefeld) ‐ Foliar δ15N as a spatial tracer for the impact
of an N2‐fixing invasive Acacia
12:15‐13:45 Lunch Break
13:45‐14:15 Prof. Tillmann Konrad Buttschardt (University of Münster)
Beyond Botany and Ecology: the normative Dimension of Invasive Aliens
Prof. Cibele Hummel Amaral (UFV)
Imaging spectroscopy for biological invasion's detection: species mapping and their spectral
mixture relationships with native woody physiognomies in southeastern Brazil.
14:45‐15:15 Prof. Wagner Otoni (UFV)
In vitro photoautotrophy in plants: lessons from Pfaffia glomerata
15:15‐ 16:15 Coffee Break + Poster Presentation
16:15‐16:45 Prof. Renata Meira (UFV)
Historical and perspectives on classification of nectaries: is it possible to get a consensus?
16:45 – 17:15 Marcio Weichert (DWIH/DAAD)
German Funding Programmes for Research and Cooperation
17:15 – 18:15 Oral Presentations

July 26th
Symposium III (Spatial analysis on landscape
level: remote sensing and geoinformation systems)
1. Jan Lehmann (University of Münster) ‐ Mapping of invasive Acacia species in Brazilian
Mussununga ecosystems using high‐resolution remote sensing data acquired with an
autonomous Unmanned Aerial System
2. André Große‐Stoltenberg (University of Münster) ‐ Monitoring Acacia longifolia invasion in
a Meditererran dune ecosystem by LiDAR and hyperspectral data fusion
Dr. J. Thiele (University of Münster)
Using hyperspectral field spectrometry to predict the leaf biochemistry of invasive Acacia and
native species in Mediterranean dune ecosystems of SW‐Portugal
9:45‐10:30 Coffee Break
10:30‐11:00 Prof. João Auguto Alves Meira Neto (UFV)
The environmental shifting of the early Acacia invasion on oligotrophic ecosystems
11:00‐ 11:30 Prof. Cristina Máguas (Universidade de Lisboa)
Early phases of the invasion of Acacia longifolia along the Portuguese coastal sand dunes:
Processes and patters
11:30‐12:00 Prof. Andreza V. Neri (UFV)
Do environmental filters, soil and altitude drive diversity and functioning of plant communities
in Campo de Altitude?
12:00‐13:45 Lunch Break
Dr. Markus Gastauer (UFV)
The hypothesis of sympatric speciation as the dominant generator of endemism in a global
hotspot of biodiversity
14:15‐14:45 Prof. Christiane Werner (University of Freiburg)
Impacts of Acacia longifolia on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functioning
14:45‐ 15:15 Dr. Ricardo Ribeiro de Castro Solar (UFV)
The consequences of land‐use changes and forest disturbance on biodiversity in the Amazon
15:15‐ 16:15 Coffee Break + Poster Presentation
16:15 – 17:15 Oral Presentations
17:15‐18:00 Closing session


