LEEP - Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de Plantas Universidade Federal de Viçosa


LEEP participation in the Eugen Warming Lectures

published in
Slide from Dra. Ana Giulietti's presentation

Prof. Joao Meira-Neto presented the speech in which described how competition was detected during the dry season in Campos Rupestres of Espinhaço Range. The unexpected results were largely discussed and some new hypotheses related to environmetal filtering and interactions have risen after that.

Another LEEP contribution was the idea of Prof. Carlos Schaefer that in Brazil, Campos Rupestres, Campos de Altitude, Inselbergs and other rupestrian vegetation should be joined into Campos Rupestres denomination since they have indistinguishable type of climate, soil and ecosystem functioning, being preferable denomination as Campos Rupestres of granite, gnaiss or other rocks than call them by too different names.