LEEP - Laboratório de Ecologia e Evolução de Plantas Universidade Federal de Viçosa


The influence of soils on the floristic composition and community structure of an area of Brazilian Cerrado vegetation

Neri,A. V., C. E. G. R. Schaefer, A. F. Silva, A. L. Souza, W. G. Ferreira-Junior and J. A. A. Meira-Neto. 2012. THE INFLUENCE OF SOILS ON THE FLORISTIC COMPOSITION AND COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF AN AREA OF BRAZILIAN CERRADO VEGETATION. Edinburgh Journal of Botany, Volume 69, Issue 01, pp 1-27


Andreza Viana Neri, Joao Augusto Alves Meira Neto

This study investigated the influence of soil factors on the structure, richness and
distribution of woody Cerrado species within the National Forest of Paraopeba, Minas
Gerais State, Brazil. Individuals with basal stem circumference $ 10 cm were sampled in
five plots of 20 3 100 m. The study was conducted in five environments with different
physiognomies and types of soils. A total of 132 species were recorded. The species with
the greatest importance values varied between different areas, as did structure. Canonical
correspondence analysis ordination showed three different groups closely related to soil
fertility and Al levels. These relations were also confirmed by Pearson’s correlation where
richness was positively related to pH, K, Ca, Mg and P and negatively to Al. The basal
area was positively correlated with levels of P, Mg, Ca and T (base saturation) and
negatively with Al, also using Pearson’s correlation. Likewise, density was positively
correlated with Mg and negatively with Al. The analysis shows that soil fertility and the
concentration of Al are two of the most important factors responsible for structural and
floristic variation and for differentiating dystrophic and mesotrophic Cerradao.

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